I Love You - Reisverslag uit Silves, Portugal van Manou Rooij - WaarBenJij.nu I Love You - Reisverslag uit Silves, Portugal van Manou Rooij - WaarBenJij.nu

I Love You

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Manou

10 Maart 2014 | Portugal, Silves

I can’t enjoy the sun
Because in my world it’s raining
Please help me
Help me to get through this
I need you

I didnt’t know that this kind of pain was possible
I don’t know how to do this
I’m not supposed to know how to do this
It hurts so much
But at the same time my heart is empty

They always say that time heals all wounds
Not this one !
This will never heal no more
I miss a piece of my heart, and that will never come back
Because that piece is yours

How can I just say goodbye
And go on with my life
I didn’t even get the chance to say goodbye
I didn’t get the chance to say my last words to you
How do I know you hear what I’m saying right now
I need to say goodbye, but how ?

I couldn’t tell you, I love you
I couldn’t tell you, Thank you for being my dad
Thank you for all the love you gave me
Thank you for everything you’ve done for me

You made my world so much better
You made me believe in myself
You were there for me, always

I would give anything to see you one more time
To hold you one more time
To say my last words to you

I know I’m stronger than some people think
Somehow I’m going to get through this
But I need your help

From now on, every step I take
I take it with you
Every decision i make
I make it with you
A part of me will always be a part of you !

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Verslag uit: Portugal, Silves


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Totaal aantal bezoekers 35465

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01 Mei 2013 - 01 Januari 2023

Live your life !

22 April 2012 - 08 Juli 2012

Portugal '12.. CountryRidingCenter

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